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Now More Than Ever

Sep 28, 2021

Steve Welchert is a former Big Ten Lineman, Sly Stallone Stunt Man and Governor’s Lobbyist based in Denver, CO. He is a winner of multiple Pollie Awards, and has been cited by Campaigns and Elections Magazine as a top regional influencer – and it is easy to see why. His client list reads like a “Who’s Who” of...

Sep 21, 2021

Ike Reilly is a musician, bard, traveling minstrel, and truth teller from Libertyville, IL. His mien is as much Carl Sandburg and Studs Terkel as it is Willie Nile and Chuck Prophet. 

 His music both “solo” and with “The Ike Reilly Assassination” is a combination of wry wit, observation and a punk rock ethos...

Sep 15, 2021

Don Siegelman is Alabama’s most successful statewide politician. He is the only person to be elected Secretary of State, Attorney General, Lieutenant Governor and Governor. He is also the only Governor from The Port City of Mobile, and the last Democrat to be elected as Governor.

He takes us through his Zelig-like...

Sep 7, 2021

Jack Goldsmith is The Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, the co-founder of The Lawfare Blog and the “After Trump” podcast. He is the author of “In Hoffa’s Shadow. A Stepfather, A Disappearance in Detroit, and My Search for The Truth,” about his life growing up with a stepfather who was...