Nov 30, 2021
Sean Duggan is an advertising executive and documentary film producer and director. His debut film “Keep It A Secret: The Story of the Dawn of Surfing in Ireland” about Irish Surfers, The Troubles and his journey through surfing is available now via NYC Doc.
Sean is someone who has become a good friend, and it is...
Nov 16, 2021
Brian Lyman is one of the best reporters in America. He covers politics and the legislature for The Montgomery Advertiser.
Like Vince Lombardi before him, Brian is a proud Fordham Ram though he was not one of The Seven Blocks of Granite, the famous 1936 Fordham football team who’s Rose Bowl hopes were dashed after...
Nov 9, 2021
TJ Callaway, IV is the founder and CEO of Onward Reserve, an online and retail destination for lifestyle gifts and apparel. Named for a story about President Teddy Roosevelt hunting in Onward, MS and embodying the company motto of Live Authentically, Onward Reserve has become a lifestyle brand and menswear phenomenon...
Nov 2, 2021
Mark McKinnon needs no introduction, but just in case you’ve forgotten who he is:
He is the creator and co-host of Showtime’s The Circus, now filming their sixth season in Washington, DC and battleground states throughout the country.
Mark is famously a former consultant for Democrats such as Former Texas Governors...